Multiple Intelligences and Artificial Intelligence
Kid Musical Intelligence
Kid Musical Intelligence
Quiz from Camellia Café:
- Enjoy singing?
- Like listening to music?
- Play an instrument?
- Remember melodies or tunes easily?
- Hear the differences between different instruments being played together?
- Hum or sing while thinking or doing tasks?
- Like making musical sounds with your body?
- Pick up rhythms in the sounds around you?
- Write your own songs or raps?
Music in Mythology
In the treasury of Greek Mythology, the Muses were the daughters of Zeus and Mnemosyne (Memory). They inspired poets, musicians and philosophers, and Homer calls on the Muse to speak through him when he begins his story of Odysseus. These nine Muses are Calliope (epic poetry), Clio (history), Euterpe (music), Terpsichore (dancing), Erato (lyric poetry), Melpomene (tragedy), Thalia (comedy), Polyhymnia (sacred song), and Urania (astronomy). The word “museum” comes from the Muses.
Euterpe is the goddess of music. Euterpe was said to have invented the flute and other wind instruments, and her symbol was the Aulos, a type of double flute. The sound of the Aulos was described as "penetrating, insisting and exciting".
While, Apollo has been recognised as a god of archery, music and dance, truth and prophecy, healing and diseases, the Sun and light, poetry, and more. He is the son of Zeus and Leto, and the twin brother of Artemis, goddess of the hunt.
As the god of Mousike (art of Muses), Apollo presides overall music, songs, dance and poetry. He is the inventor of string-music, and the frequent companion of the Muses, functioning as their chorus leader in celebrations. The lyre is a common attribute of Apollo.
Mousike is that union of song, dance, and word to which the Muses gave their name.Apollo's music is soulful and enchanting. His music would deliver people from their pain.
Apollo often appears as the companion of the Muses and as Musagetes, he leads them into dance while he sang. He is found delighting the immortal gods with his songs and music on the lyre. Apollo and the Muses are often seen on Parnassus, which is one of their favourite spots.
Music Smart in our daily life
People don’t always place a great emphasis on being smart with music. Many people think it’s an excellent talent to have on the side but don’t consider it to be an intelligence.
Everybody isn’t expected to be musical in modern society in the same way that everybody is expected to be able to read and write.
Nature and Nurture are the two factors shaping the way the brain functions. Nature refers to an individual’s genotype – that is, the particular set of genes inherited from their parents. The brain is also altered by nurture, which is all the environmental factors an individual is exposed to throughout their life.
Having a “Music Brain” may be the result of being raised in a family that values music and/or genetic influence.
Music Smart in History
All over the world, and for most of human history, music has been a critical way in which knowledge has been passed from one generation to the next.
Before there were books to store information, people had to store things in their minds. One of the reasons they were able to remember so much was because they put the information in a musical format: They chanted it rhythmically, sang it as a part of regular tribal rituals, or wrote epic songs that contained this vital information.
Music Smart in Human
Musical Intelligence is probably the first intelligence to appear.
Babies respond and move to music long before they start talking.
It can help you learn more in school and remember important things.
You can use it to communicate in different ways.
It can bring you pleasure.
Music and Brain
The brain is divided into four significant areas in the vertical organisation: CORTICAL, LIMBIC, MIDBRAIN and BRAINSTEM.
We observed dispersed and overlapping brain regions associated with music listening and recall.
Cortex includes Frontal Lobe, Temporal Lobe, Parietal Lobe and Occipital Lobe. Rounded bulges of the cortex are known as gyri. Grooves are termed sulci when relatively shallow and fissures when deeper.
During the onset phase (0–500 ms), music listening initiated cortical activity in high-gamma band in the temporal lobe and supramarginal gyrus, followed by the precentral gyrus and the inferior frontal gyrus. In contrast, during music recall, the high-gamma band activity first appeared in the inferior frontal gyrus and precentral gyrus, and then spread to the temporal lobe, showing a reversed temporal sequential order.
During the sustained phase (after 500 ms), delta band and high-gamma band responses in the supramarginal gyrus, temporal and frontal lobes dynamically tracked the intensity envelope of the music during listening or recall with distinct temporal delays.
All music enters the brain through its emotional regions, yet some types of music also stimulate the frontal lobe responses that influence the will, moral worth, and reasoning power.
The limbic system is considered to be the 'emotional' brain, as the component structures have been shown to display high levels of neural activity during emotional experiences.
One part of the limbic region, the amygdala, is vital for processing emotions, especially fear, sadness and anger.
Music appears to have both general and specific brain effects. Listening to music seems to favourably balance the frontal lobe function in depression.
Thus, depending on the type of music, its net influence can be either beneficial or detrimental—depending on whether it predominately stimulates the frontal lobe or the “lower” emotional centres.
It might also anticipate a connection between rock music and depression.
On the other hand, harmonious hymns and symphonies produce beneficial frontal lobe responses. For example, some studies link classical music, such as Mozart piano sonatas, to improve spatial-temporal reasoning—useful in disciplines like engineering and geometry. In another study, three to five-year-old children who were given eight months of group singing and keyboard lessons demonstrated improved frontal lobe function compared to similar-aged children who didn’t receive such music lessons.
Amusia is one type of learning disabilities, commonly called tone-deafness, the inability in a person with normal hearing to recognise musical notes, rhythms, or tunes or to reproduce them.
Everyone is creative, but those who can put their brains into “idle” on-demand are more likely to open up their minds to new possibilities and generator original ideas. The frontal areas keep attention targeted when musicians play by note, but turn off in improvisation so ideas can “float”.
How to listen to Music
Listen to music, not just hearing it.
When you listen to music, you can hear the melodies, rhythms, and tone.
Listening to and understanding music isn’t just thinking about it or analysing it. Part of listening is how music makes you feel. Some people use music to lift their mood or to calm themselves down. Others listen to music to inspire them. Notice how different types of music make you feel.
How to make Music
Singing and playing musical instruments may be the first things that come to mind when you think about being Music Smart.
You can make music anywhere you go.
Making music is also about expression and feeling.
When you make music, you are doing more than you realise. You may be thinking, expressing feelings, solving problems, making friends, and growing and sharing an essential part of yourself.
How to write Music
Composing a piece of music or writing a song doesn’t have to be a big or formal deal.
The song can be as straightforward or as complicated as you’d like.
Writing music is basically about creating patterns of tones, notes, or rhythms that you like and playing around with them.
Musical Mind
You might be interested to know that your Music Smart mind is at work even when you’re not thinking about or listening to music.
Your musical mind is part of your everyday life.
That’s your musical mind helping you process ideas and information.
Playing music, as well as listening to it, can help you focus your thoughts. Music can help you create art and inventions, brainstorm ideas, and solve problems.
Sometimes your musical mind is triggered by the sounds around you.
Become more Music Smart
- Listen to many different kinds of music
- Sing with your family or friends
- See live music whenever you get the chance
- Compose a song or musical piece
- Create or improvise instruments with whatever you have around you
- Take a private music lesson on your favourite instrument
- Start a band
Use other Smarts to become more Musical Intelligence
Linguistic Intelligence helps Musical Intelligence

Listen to the lyrics of songs.
Does the song tell a story?
The story is through the lyrics or the music.
Mathematical Intelligence helps Musical Intelligence

Look for repeating patterns and themes and notice how these help structure the music.
Figure out the different time signatures of pieces.
Spatial Intelligence helps Musical Intelligence

Draw, paint, or sculpt what you hear.
Music inspires actual images for you.
Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence helps Musical Intelligence

Move to music.
Interpersonal Intelligence helps Musical Intelligence

Making music with other people.
Sing songs with your family or friends.
Intrapersonal Intelligence helps Musical Intelligence

What does the music make you feel and think about?
Listen to a piece of music and then write or draw what you feel.
Naturalist Intelligence helps Musical Intelligence

Listen for sounds in music that remind you of sounds found in nature.
Existential Intelligence helps Musical Intelligence

Put together a collection of music that makes you feel more spiritual, religious, or philosophical.
How do chants make you feel?
What do you think is the purpose of chanting?
Moral Intelligence helps Musical Intelligence

Listen to songs which tell stories of heroes or giants.
Listen to music which inspires your patriotism.
Please listen to Finlandia from Jeasn Sibelius .
Music Smart Maestro builds other Smarts
Music Smart helps Word Smart

Remember how to learn ABCs to a song when we are young.
Set spelling words and vocabulary to music.
Notice the music and sounds that take place in a story or book.
Music Smart helps Logic Smart

Have you ever heard the song “Multiplication Rock”?
Set any kind of math facts to music.
Music Smart helps Picture Smart

Play different types of music and see what kinds of visual images, feelings, or ideas come to you while you listen.
Music Smart helps Body Smart

Moving any way you want to when listening to music, it doesn’t have to be dancing.
Be as silly or as serious as the music makes you feel.
Be aware of what your body is doing.
Music Smart helps People Smart

Make music with other people and see how it feels.
Go to concerts and watch how other people enjoy music.
Music Smart helps Self Smart

Create a playlist of your favourite pieces of music that influence your mood.
Music Smart helps Nature Smart

Go outside and listen for melodies in birdsongs or rhythms in the flow of traffic.
Music Smart helps Life Smart

Write a song that tells how you feel about being alive, and sing it for a group or a friend, or sing it in front of a mirror.
Music Smart helps Moral Smart

Write a song which tells stories of heroes or giants.
Sing a song or play music which inspires people’s patriotism.
FUTURE with Music Smart skills

what we can do if we are Music Smart:
- Acoustician
- Choral Director
- Conductor
- Disc Jockey
- Singer
- Foley Artist
- Sound Effects Editor for Movies
- Studio Director
- Music Arranger
- Music Director
- Music Supervisor
- Music Editor
- Instrument Maker
- Piano Tuner
- Sound Engineer
- Music Teacher
- Musician
- Composer
- Jingle Writer
- Lyricist
When kids grow up

Liberal Arts Education has more beneficiation for our children than Word, Math and Science Education.
Music helps our children focus their thoughts. Music helps them create art and inventions, brainstorm ideas, and solve problems.